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How Climate Change is Making Days Longer

How Climate Change is Making Days Longer

The Surprising Connection between Climate Change and Our Lengthening Days

Among the numerous effects of climate change is its role in changing the length of our days. Several recent studies have pointed out that these days are getting a bit longer because of climate change. How precisely does this occur? Let’s look at the science behind this phenomenon.

The Relationship Between Climate Change and Earth’s Rotation

1. Polar Melting and Sea-Level Rise

One of the most important ways through which climate change impacts the lengthening of days is through the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers. When ice is melted, it gets redistributed all across the globe, leading to a rise in sea level. The redistribution of mass from the poles down towards the equator changes the rotation of the Earth because of angular momentum conversation.

2.Angular Momentum and Rotation

The Earth indeed rotates about its axis, and its rotation depends upon its mass distribution. Transfer of mass away from the poles—where it is closer to the axis of rotation—to the equator—where it is farthest from the axis—causes this planet’s rotation to slow down, just as a figure skater does by extending his or her arms.

3. Glacial Rebound

Glacial rebound, also known as isostatic adjustment, is the rise in land masses that were depressed by the weight during the last glacial period. As the glaciers melt, the compressed land rises slowly, and that mass is redistributed, causing changes in Earth’s rotation.

4.Influence on Earth’s Shape

With land rebound, the shape of the Earth is slightly altered. The rotation speed has to be proportionally changed due to this change. A more cigar-shaped Earth, arising from rising landmasses at larger latitudes, can lengthen the day.

Quantifying the Change

1. Day Length Measurement

These vary the length of a day by very small amounts, usually in milliseconds. However, even such minute changes, over long periods, are of consequence and can be detected with precision scientific instruments.

2.Current Estimates

Scientists say that the redistribution of mass from melting ice and rising sea levels could be causing the Earth’s rotation to slow down by about 1.7 milliseconds per century. Though it would sound pretty tiny in change, this effect is additive, thus over time has great implications for understanding far reaching effects of climatic changes.

Rising temperatures are subtly extending our days.

Long-Term Implications

1.Impact on Timekeeping

With the length of a day changing, so does our timekeeping. Atomic clocks and astronomical observations monitor and account for these variations to bring our timekeeping up to scratch.

2.Leap Seconds

An extra second in Coordinated Universal Time is introduced from time to time to reset Earth’s rotation, which slows down periodically. This ensures that our clocks keep pace with the gradually lengthening day of Earth.

3.Understanding Climate Change

The impact of climate change on lengthening day duration will let scientists realize the broader implications of global warming. It goes on to show how actually connected the many systems of the Earth really are, and how an activity by a human can have a ripple effect on our planet.


In a nutshell, climate change is lengthening days through the melting of polar ice, increasing sea levels, and glacial rebound. All these processes are associated with redistributing mass on Earth and hence with an effect on its rotation. The changes are very minute to make a big difference in keeping time but add to a deeper understanding of the complex effects of climate change.

Stay tuned for more insights into the surprising effects of climate change!

The redistribution of mass due to melting ice and
changing oceanic patterns is causing minute
yet measurable changes in Earth’s rotation.

– Climate Scientist


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