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New Game Technology to Hospitals

New Game Technology to Hospitals

Game On for Healing: How Child’s Play Levels Up Hospital Care (Originally Aired at IGN Live 2024)

Forget outdated waiting room experiences! Child’s Play, the oldest gaming charity, is on a mission to transform hospital care through the power of play. During IGN Live 2024, we got a glimpse into their inspiring work!

Child’s Play: Beyond Joysticks and Controllers

For over two decades, Child’s Play has been a champion for hospitalized children. Their focus has transcended simply donating games and consoles. Here’s how they’re redefining the role of play in healthcare:

Equipping Hospitals: Child’s Play partners with nearly 200 children’s hospitals worldwide, ensuring they have access to cutting-edge gaming technology.

Educating Staff: They don’t stop at hardware. Child’s Play actively educates hospital staff on using games for therapeutic purposes. Imagine using VR to help a young patient cope with physical therapy!

Unlocking the Power of Imagination: Child’s Play recognizes the power of video games to manage pain, combat boredom, and even enhance treatment outcomes.

A Look Inside the Gaming Oasis

IGN Live 2024 featured a fascinating interview with a Child’s Play representative. Here are some key takeaways:

Gaming Specialists: Hospitals are now employing “Gaming and Technology Specialists” who work directly with patients, integrating games into their treatment plans.

VR for the Win! Child’s Play even funded the development of VR experiences specifically designed for pediatric patients, offering a welcome distraction and a potential tool for managing anxiety.

Therapeutic Game Guides: They’ve created comprehensive guides for hospital staff, breaking down how games can be used to address specific challenges, from pain management to cognitive development.

Gaming for Good: Child’s Play Brings Tech to Hospitals

The Future of Play in Healthcare

The impact of Child’s Play extends far beyond entertainment. Here’s what the future holds:

Research and Development: Expect to see further advancements in using games for therapeutic purposes, backed by robust scientific research.

Personalized Play Therapy: The future lies in tailoring game experiences to individual patient needs, maximizing the therapeutic benefits.

A Global Movement: As Child’s Play continues its mission, the potential for play-based interventions to become a standard in pediatric care is on the horizon.

Stay Tuned : Child’s Play is more than just a charity; it’s a catalyst for change. By harnessing the power of video games, they’re transforming hospital stays for children everywhere. Stay tuned as we follow the evolution of play in healthcare and the positive impact it has on young patients.


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